Rajakaputaasna (pigeon pose)
This hip-opening backbend stretches the hips, back, and shoulders. As with any pose, please exercise caution as you explore new variations and listen to your body’s limits. Eka pada rajakapotasana (Eh-kah PAH-dah rah-JAH-cop-oh-TAHS-anna), also known as the pigeon or one-legged pigeon pose, is a backbend that can relieve nerve tension and chronic pain while increasing circulation and controlling desires. Whichever version of pigeon you may choose to try, remember to maintain some awareness on your breathing. Tips This hip-opening backbend stretches the hips, back, and shoulders. As with any pose, please exercise caution as you explore new variations and listen to your body’s limits. How to do 1. first of all you just have to normalise your breath and be aware for long and deap breath. 2. Bring your right leg forward and band your right knee and try to touch your heel of the right foot on your left lower thigh 3.your back leg should be absolutely straight and relax .band your...